Restaurants & Bars

Affixr has lots of great uses in the Restaurant and Bar industry. By using our form builder, a site could start to collect real feedback from customers using Ratings. Instead of relying on Trip Advisor which can be filled in by anyone, at anytime, QR codes can only be scanned by people who visit your building.

Affixr could also be used to digitise Menus, by simply scanning a QR code, every customer now has access to all of the menu’s instantly.

For contact tracing, Affixr can be setup with a simple data capture form with a confirmation on submission helping businesses adhere to the best practice guidance from the government.

Restaurant Demo-5.png

Example QR

Open your phone camera and aim at QR code to see how a Restaurant could use Affixr


Affixr & Car Dealerships


Affixr & Events